MCI / The Entrepreneurial School ®
Ulice Universitätsstraße 15 PSČ A-6020 Město Innsbruck Kraj Tirolsko Stát Rakousko Telefon +43 512 2070 1521, +43 (0)512 2020 E-mail office@mci.edu, info@mci.edu Web https://www.mci.edu Typ školy vysoká škola Certifikát školy Veletrh Další informace
MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® The Management Center Innsbruck links together the best out of science, economy and consulting to the unique concept of an international Entrepreneurial School®. It stands for internationality, academic quality, practice orientation, innovation, close cooperation with industry, solution-oriented research and development, first-class infrastructure, a high level of customer and service orientation, and international renown.
Soubory ke stažení
Seznam studijních programů
Biotechnology and Food Engineering
Business Administration online
Business and Management
Business and Management for professionals
Corporate Governance and Finance
Digital Business and Software Engineering
Digital Business MBA
Digital Economy and Leadership MSc
Digital Marketing and Analytics MSc
Entrepreneurship and Tourism
Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering
European Health Economics and Management
Executive MBA
Executive Phd
Food Technology and Nutrition
Industrial Engineering and Management
International Business and Law
International Business and Management
International Health and Social Management
Management and Law
Management and Leadership MSc
Management, Communication and IT
Mechatronics and Smart Technologies
Medical Technologies
Nonprofit, Social andHealth Care Management
Smart Building Technologies
Social Work
Social Work, Social Policy and Management
Tourism Business Studies