Universität Passau
Ulice Innstr. 41 PSČ 94032 Město Passau Kraj Stát Německo Telefon 0049 851/509 1154 E-mail dW5pLXBhc3NhdS5kZQ==||lNWa2RWY Web www.uni-passau.de Typ školy univerzita Certifikát školy žádný Veletrh 110mapa veletrhuSoubory ke stažení
Seznam fakult
School of Business, Economics and Information Systems, , ,Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, , ,Faculty of Law, , ,Faculty of Arts and Humanities with the Department of Catholic Theology, , ,
Seznam studijních programů
Artificial Intelligence Engineering
Business Administration
Business Administration and Economics (BWL/VWL)
Caritas Science and Values-based Management
Catholic Theology
Communication in Digital Societies
Computational Mathematics
Computer Science
Development Studies
Digital Transformation in Business and Society
European Studies
European Studies Major
Geography: Culture, Environment and Tourism
German Law for foreign graduates
History and Society
Information Systems
International Cultural and Business Studies
International Economics and Business
Internet Computing
Journalism and Strategic Communication
Language and Text Sciences
Law undergraduate programme
Legal Informatics
Legal Tech
Media and Communication
Semiotics of Texts and Culture
Teacher training programme for primary education
Teacher training programme for secondary education (Gymnasium)
Teacher training programme for secondary education (Mittelschule)
Teacher training programme for secondary education (Realschule)