Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Ulice Akademiestr. 6 PSČ 09599 Město Freiberg Kraj Stát Německo Telefon +49 3731 390 E-mail aXV6LnR1LWZyZWliZXJnLmRl||yVGZsVmZuV2boN2cuEmchx2a Web http://tu-freiberg.de Typ školy univerzita Certifikát školy žádný Veletrh Další informace
TU Bergakademie Freiberg Founded in 1765, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg is the oldest mining university in the world. It offers 65 degree courses of study in the fields of Mathematics & Computer Science, Natural Sciences, Geosciences, Engineering Science and Economics. It is a small university with 4,294 students. It has 87 full professors and a compact campus. Students can reach most locations by foot. It is an internationally oriented university, 24 % of the students come from abroad. Researchers in Freiberg use cooperative relationships with industry representatives on the regional and national level as well as with international businesses to carry out fundamental research activities that have practical relevance. For years, the professors of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg have ranked among the absolute elite in Germany in terms of third party funds.
Soubory ke stažení
Seznam fakult
Faculty of Materials Science and Materials Technology, , Freiberg, NěmeckoFaculty of Chemistry and Physics, , Freiberg, NěmeckoFaculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining, , Freiberg, NěmeckoFaculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering, , Freiberg, NěmeckoFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, , Freiberg, NěmeckoFaculty of Business Administration, , Freiberg, Německo